Since February 2020,  environmental noise monitoring was initiated on a rooftop of a villa in Magdalena del Mar to record the sound level produced by aircraft overflights. In March, the quarantine imposed by the government to control the spread of the pandemic led to the closure of Lima’s international airport, and adding to this the immobilization of people, the urban noise level decreased to values never before imagined.

The noise level monitoring is being carried out with a noise sensor, which transmits via WIFI to a cloud the environmental noise record, and the data is downloaded daily for analysis. Reports are regularly presented in social networks, especially in the LINKEDIN group. 
<COVID-19 Noise Reduction>

All articles published with the results of the research on how noise levels varied in Magdalena as a result of COVID were evaluated and approved by peer-review (double-blind peer review).

This research has constant updates and continues to be published in indexed journals, because it is one of the longest in the world and the only one that is not funded by the State or research centers, is conducted by members of the Institute of Acoustics and Vibroacoustics of Peru (INPAVAC).

First publication (October 2020), in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
Lima soundscape before confinement and during curfew. Airplane flights suppressions because of Peruvian lockdown

This same article was replicated by the journal Publi Med, the study is considered as a reference for analyzing noise level reduction as a result of confinement due to the epidemic.
Lima soundscape before confinement and during curfew. Airplane flights suppressions because of Peruvian lockdown

First scientific publication in Spanish on this subject, in the journal ECOS of the Uruguayan Association of Acoustics, with an update on environmental noise levels before and after confinement (December 2020).
Niveles sonoros y soundscape atípicos en Lima por confinamiento a consecuencia del COVID-19

The results of a full year of monitoring were presented scientifically for the first time at an International Congress of Acoustics held in St. Petersburg, Russia (virtual-presence).
VIII All-Russian “Protection against excessive noise and vibration,” March 2021.
COVID-19 and soundscape changes due to the lockdown. The case of Lima, Peru.

The presentation of the results of this research at the Russian congress led to its publication in an indexed acoustics journal in Europe. Akustika Journal, Czech Republic
COVID-19 and soundscape changes due to the lockdown. The case of Lima, Peru

The research and monitoring experience was presented in Lima during the International Noise Awareness Day activities (April 2021):
La cuarentena por COVID y la reducción del ruido en Lima

The authors presented as INVITED PAPER in the first and only scientific session that has been held in the world on noise changes in cities due to quarantine, by acoustics societies, and it was the only one exhibited from Latin America.
“Acoustics in Focus” The 180th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 8-10 June 2021
COVID-19 related sound reduction. Soundscape changes during Peruvian de-escalation and ‘abnormal’ opening

A presentation was made during the commemoration of the Bicentennial by the Ricardo Palma University, organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (in June 2021):
Cambios en el  paisaje sonoro a consecuencia del COVID. Una oportunidad para preservar y crear nuevos espacios urbanos

A presentation was made during the commemoration of the Bicentennial by the College of Architecture of Peru-CAP (in August 2021):
Los paradigmas multidisciplinarios en las ciudades latinoamericanas sobre los pilares de la sostenibilidad

Due to the scientific impact of the presentation at the VIII All-Russian Acoustics Congress and its subsequent publication in the journal AKUSTIKA, the authors were invited to publish a new research update for the scientific journal of the Russian acoustics societies (October 2021):
Noise Theory and Practice, Acoustic Journal
One year of sound monitoring since July 2020 during COVID-19 pandemic at one neighborhood in Lima, Peru

A new update on this research will be presented:
Impacto sonoro por sobrevuelo de aeronaves. Monitoreo del ruido antes y durante las distintas fases del COVID-19. El caso de Lima, Perú
At the Symposium Acoustics and Vibrations 2021 organized by the Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico (FIME-UANL).