International Noise Awareness Day

Activities for International Noise Awareness Day to be held in Peru
Under the slogan “Protect your hearing. Protect your health”, the Acoustical and Vibroacoustical Institute of Peru (INPAVAC), will commemorate for the first time in Peru the International Noise Awareness Day promoted by an acoustics association.
Noise is considered an “invisible” pollutant, and today people do not accept that noise is a “natural” product of technological development, and consequently it must be regulated and controlled.
Today, the impact of noise on hearing, health and quality of life is fully accepted and demonstrated by a large number of scientific and medical studies.
Noise, like other pollutants, produces negative effects on human beings, both physiological and psychosomatic, and constitutes a serious environmental and social problem. The fight against noise is an individual and collective action, noise is not only made by others, but by all of us.
INPAVAC is organizing a series of activities that, unfortunately due to social isolation as a result of the COVID pandemic, will be 100% virtual. Below is the tentative program.
“Protect your hearing. Protect your health.”
Day 1, Tuesday, April 27
18.00 p.m. Opening. International Year of Sound IYS2020+ Elena Gushiken president INPACTA
18.10 “Environmental noise monitoring and smart cities”. CESVA, Spain
18.25 “Soundscape and environmental noise in public space” Mtra. Architect Silvia García Martínez and Mtra. Architect Dulce Ponce Ponce Patrón. Lab. Acoustic Design UAM-Azcapotzalco.
“Visual disability, soundscape and health” Mtro. Rafael Villeda Ayala UAM-Azcapotzalco. Mexico
19.00 “Auditory prophylaxis”. Otorhinolaryngologist Teresita Trujillo. Peru
19.20 Musical Ensemble
19.30 “Acoustics projects and/or architecture? Questions and stories from the teaching of architecture”. Paula Giordano, Ms .Arch. Faculty of Architecture UDELAR, Uruguay.
19.50 “Acoustic planning of urban space” Ms Acoustic Engineer Mario Huaquin, Chile.
2nd day, Wednesday, April 28th
18.00 Admission
18.05 “Are Noise Maps a tool against noise?” Dr. Fausto Rodríguez Manzo. Lab. Acoustic Design. UAM-Azcapotzalco. Mexico.
18.30 Lecture “Quarantine by COVID and noise reduction in Lima” Walter Montano – Elena Gushiken Uesu.
18.50 Musical Ensemble
19.00 Round Table: Acoustics in Peruvian legislation. Projects of Technical Norms.
Eng. Andrés Brios Abanto. Specialist of Environmental Assessments. OEFA
Architect Mónica Lecca. General Director of Policies and Regulation in Construction and Sanitation. MVCS International Organizations (To be confirmed)
19.50 Question and answer session
3rd day, Thursday, April 29
18.00 Admission
18.05 “Who complains about noise in Montevideo?” Dr. Eng. Elizabeth González, Lab. of acoustics UDELAR Uruguay.
18.25 “The role of games in the process of noise sensitization” Mtra. Laura Lancón Rivera and Mtra. Elisa Garay Vargas. Lab. Acoustic Design. UAM-Azcapotzalco. Mexico
18.50 “Between noise and silence” Maestro Fernando Elizondo. Acoustics Lab. Monterrey, FIME-UANL. Mexico
19.10 Musical Ensemble
19.20 Presentation of the CAPEAC Peruvian Chamber of Acoustics and Related Industries.
20.00 Acknowledgements. Closing Ceremony.